class Broot < Formula desc "New way to see and navigate directory trees" homepage "" url "" sha256 "eaf84409014e2e691c33d42676d0eeff8c961427914c18d5e1cff6e246a2f544" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "94f495b23dc7dbf0012ee33efdfc40f3742ed6b74c9c6ab49452e21889cb753d" => :catalina sha256 "3d6929d1fa011ad6d0ea039941f7e43a3e5524a1d871f4c31e660c9a9e32d2bb" => :mojave sha256 "4ac5eacae4f75c830492431a8468d8f73312b8335092ac7b846f315c08d958b0" => :high_sierra end depends_on "rust" => :build def install system "cargo", "install", "--locked", "--root", prefix, "--path", "." end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/broot --version") assert_match "BFS", shell_output("#{bin}/broot --help 2>&1") (testpath/"test.exp").write <<~EOS spawn #{bin}/broot --cmd :pt --no-style --out #{testpath}/output.txt send "n\r" expect { timeout { exit 1 } eof } EOS assert_match "New Configuration file written in", shell_output("expect -f test.exp 2>&1") end end