class Libtensorflow < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "C interface for Google's OS library for Machine Intelligence" homepage "" url "" sha256 "aa2a6a1daafa3af66807cfe0bc77bfe1144a9a53df9a96bab52e3e575b3047ed" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "1bcfa81564154b94d4c94f362d2a370620319d605b43c621ad3a5cd6d1101de3" => :mojave sha256 "ba69e5aec7347cf49493674f4c63ae19b56dc24e1a04ec1d9760ff9ae2a648bd" => :high_sierra sha256 "8c68bdd636100da7b1a79ffc53cd6eb6e484a4643d00f90e509bcf78c081a1b7" => :sierra end depends_on "bazel" => :build depends_on :java => ["1.8", :build] depends_on "python" => :build # Allow libtensorflow to be built on bazel 0.28.0 (currently the latest available version) # this patch a consolidation of the following patches # - (from 0.25.2 to 0.25.3) # - (from 0.25.3 to 0.26.0) # - (from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1) # - Bump bazel from 0.26.1 to 0.28.0 patch :DATA # Upgrade protobuf to 3.8.0 # The custom commit contains a fix to make protobuf.bzl compatible with Bazel 0.26 or later version. patch do url "" sha256 "89f09f266ee56ee583cfffb8b4ce9333f181f497f7e04a672a68a8b611d21270" end def install venv_root = "#{buildpath}/venv" virtualenv_create(venv_root, "python3") cmd = Language::Java.java_home_cmd("1.8") ENV["JAVA_HOME"] = Utils.popen_read(cmd).chomp ENV["PYTHON_BIN_PATH"] = "#{venv_root}/bin/python" ENV["CC_OPT_FLAGS"] = "-march=native" ENV["TF_NEED_JEMALLOC"] = "1" ENV["TF_NEED_GCP"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_HDFS"] = "0" ENV["TF_ENABLE_XLA"] = "0" ENV["USE_DEFAULT_PYTHON_LIB_PATH"] = "1" ENV["TF_NEED_OPENCL"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_CUDA"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_MKL"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_VERBS"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_MPI"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_S3"] = "1" ENV["TF_NEED_GDR"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_KAFKA"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_OPENCL_SYCL"] = "0" ENV["TF_NEED_ROCM"] = "0" ENV["TF_DOWNLOAD_CLANG"] = "0" ENV["TF_SET_ANDROID_WORKSPACE"] = "0" system "./configure" system "bazel", "build", "--jobs", ENV.make_jobs, "--compilation_mode=opt", "--copt=-march=native", "" lib.install Dir["bazel-bin/tensorflow/*.so*", "bazel-bin/tensorflow/*.dylib*"] (include/"tensorflow/c").install ["tensorflow/c/c_api.h", "tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.h", "tensorflow/c/tf_attrtype.h"] (lib/"pkgconfig/tensorflow.pc").write <<~EOS Name: tensorflow Description: Tensorflow library Version: #{version} Libs: -L#{lib} -ltensorflow Cflags: -I#{include} EOS end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include #include int main() { printf("%s", TF_Version()); } EOS system, "-L#{lib}", "-ltensorflow", "-o", "test_tf", "test.c" assert_equal version, shell_output("./test_tf") end end __END__ diff --git a/ b/ index 43af22de88..7b0d99f04d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ def main(): # environment variables. environ_cp = dict(os.environ) - current_bazel_version = check_bazel_version('0.24.1', '0.25.2') + current_bazel_version = check_bazel_version('0.24.1', '0.28.0') _TF_CURRENT_BAZEL_VERSION = convert_version_to_int(current_bazel_version) reset_tf_configure_bazelrc()