require 'formula' class Nspr < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "9f3f278f7f31574b2cdbb99d9703c58e51cd3e1c" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "defd1ff9cccc8b64599c22734757648d031dd2ec" => :mavericks sha1 "f72fbe6a2e2d45bc493faf9798060df4cc588a5e" => :mountain_lion sha1 "a09af6bd5def1c714bb68dc95909a2fd9019e861" => :lion end def install ENV.deparallelize cd "nspr" do # Fixes a bug with linking against CoreFoundation, needed to work with SpiderMonkey # See: target_frameworks = (Hardware.is_32_bit? or MacOS.version <= :leopard) ? "-framework Carbon" : "" inreplace "pr/src/", "-framework CoreServices -framework CoreFoundation", target_frameworks args = %W[ --disable-debug --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-strip --enable-pthreads --enable-ipv6 --enable-macos-target=#{MacOS.version} ] args << "--enable-64bit" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "./configure", *args # Remove the broken (for anyone but Firefox) install_name inreplace "config/", "-install_name @executable_path/$@ ", "-install_name #{lib}/$@ " system "make" system "make install" (bin/"").unlink (bin/"").unlink end end end