require 'formula' class Gearman < Formula homepage '' url "" sha1 "872d5e13c20a29a20e45df3afa8f3981dc52d363" bottle do sha1 "b1d76be880294ad7900c18628674c9853b7d6a14" => :mavericks sha1 "43aa44d53ca68b67978beeb94613c8418e4d0eaf" => :mountain_lion sha1 "d09770f6262eed1c7ababa6f06e9659e12694e9a" => :lion end devel do url "" sha1 "85b5271ea3ac919d96fff9500993b73c9dc80c6c" depends_on "cyassl" => :optional depends_on "openssl" => :optional patch :p0 do # url "" sha1 "1217ca4da09fd0a0e6a7333e89545a3707c550e4" end end option 'with-mysql', 'Compile with MySQL persistent queue enabled' option 'with-postgresql', 'Compile with Postgresql persistent queue enabled' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'libevent' depends_on :mysql => :optional depends_on :postgresql => :optional depends_on "libpqxx" if build.with? "postgresql" depends_on "hiredis" => :optional depends_on "libmemcached" => :optional def install if build.stable? && MacOS.version >= :mavericks # inreplace "configure", "", "# include \"gear_config.h\"" # Dir["tests/**/*.cc", "libtest/"].each do |test_file| next unless /std::unique_ptr/ === inreplace test_file, "std::unique_ptr", "std::auto_ptr" end end args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-boost=#{Formula['boost'].prefix}", "--with-sqlite3" ] if build.devel? if build.with? "cyassl" args << "--enable-ssl" << "--enable-cyassl" elsif build.with? "openssl" args << "--enable-ssl" << "--with-openssl=#{Formula['openssl'].prefix}" << "--disable-cyassl" else args << "--disable-ssl" << "--disable-cyassl" end end if build.with? "postgresql" args << "--enable-libpq" << "--with-postgresql=#{Formula['postgresql'].opt_bin}/pg_config" else args << "--disable-libpq" << "--without-postgresql" end if build.with? "libmemcached" args << "--enable-libmemcached" << "--with-memcached=#{Formula['memcached'].opt_bin}/memcached" else args << "--disable-libmemcached" << "--without-memcached" end args << (build.with?("mysql") ? "--with-mysql=#{Formula['mysql'].opt_bin}/mysql_config" : "--without-mysql") args << (build.with?("hiredis") ? "--enable-hiredis" : "--disable-hiredis") system "./configure", *args system "make install" end plist_options :manual => "gearmand -d" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} Program #{opt_sbin}/gearmand RunAtLoad EOS end end