class Irods < Formula desc "Integrated data grid software solution" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e34e7be8646317d5be1c84e680d8f59d50a223ea25a3c9717b6bf7b57df5b9f6" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "5ca48b1240e083236086127b0f8d5fdd64ad3bcf023ced6c684d04945b8555a1" => :high_sierra sha256 "22a5e9bf24a034976491b65af9b36c4311afa16612f072655c556fba7285112b" => :sierra sha256 "510a0c5691702971c670c57c9ed11c5ca9371139b50c623cc950c0f8391a9737" => :el_capitan sha256 "490adc71118dc93c087aa685ddb873c3670575c679c834adc0a95c0b013772bc" => :yosemite sha256 "5d77816c581d12c4c30eb247e9b4a05f096347aa42ff4c069fa9aeff94678f87" => :mavericks sha256 "6b0aa76607c2fec9b0007a6ad4fdca8ab53e7615edc01e3dccd35facbea9bb39" => :mountain_lion end option "with-osxfuse", "Install iRODS FUSE client" depends_on :osxfuse => :optional depends_on "openssl" conflicts_with "sleuthkit", :because => "both install `ils`" conflicts_with "renameutils", :because => "both install `icp` and `imv` binaries" def install cd "iRODS" do system "./scripts/configure" # include PAM authentication by default inreplace "config/", "# PAM_AUTH = 1", "PAM_AUTH = 1" inreplace "config/", "# USE_SSL = 1", "USE_SSL = 1" system "make" bin.install Dir["clients/icommands/bin/*"].select { |f| File.executable? f } # patch in order to use osxfuse if build.with? "osxfuse" inreplace "config/" do |s| s.gsub! "# IRODS_FS = 1", "IRODS_FS = 1" s.gsub! "fuseHomeDir=/home/mwan/adil/fuse-2.7.0", "fuseHomeDir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" end inreplace "clients/fuse/Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "lfuse", "losxfuse" s.gsub! "-I$(fuseHomeDir)/include", "-I$(fuseHomeDir)/include/osxfuse" end system "make", "-C", "clients/fuse" bin.install Dir["clients/fuse/bin/*"].select { |f| File.executable? f } end end end test do system "#{bin}/ipwd" end end