class TranslateShell < Formula desc "Command-line translator using Google Translate and more" homepage "" url "" sha256 "589505248212726dff2b3e8828514036491f019fcee8657c0d94bb1a5dac6c5b" head "", :branch => "develop" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "36a689f6c97099a7143160efa40f2de05856f701a78ea7e0c92dc8da764c85d6" => :mojave sha256 "36a689f6c97099a7143160efa40f2de05856f701a78ea7e0c92dc8da764c85d6" => :high_sierra sha256 "7db0d8e36c4ee585719b21121e4cf26593f7b34c9678fcd2432fc50d8783359c" => :sierra end depends_on "fribidi" depends_on "gawk" depends_on "rlwrap" def install system "make" bin.install "build/trans" man1.install "man/trans.1" end def caveats; <<~EOS By default, text-to-speech functionality is provided by macOS's builtin `say' command. This functionality may be improved in certain cases by installing one of mplayer, mpv, or mpg123, all of which are available through `brew install'. EOS end test do assert_equal "hello\n", shell_output("#{bin}/trans -no-init -b -s fr -t en bonjour").downcase end end