class Monkeysphere < Formula desc "Use the OpenPGP web of trust to verify ssh connections" homepage "" url "" sha256 "911a2f1622ddb81151b0f41cf569ccf2154d10a09b2f446dbe98fac7279fe74b" head "git://" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "9cfe15130a5950d276146c72a4945d09b29c4ebc9ef15b6d92f0d8527e0afbf9" => :mojave sha256 "4854342d29ac57b1e9c0d040ae7a601065b29332c3e35fde847cee7783e3e37e" => :high_sierra sha256 "d0532dad405696179a0e94359cf5908613c1def95e82b8c9cfe88eba7e1843cf" => :sierra sha256 "6feb6d2bbd4a0d49dde32d9d26e17bbef7e48ccadb9ffcb82f1b7899386d1b38" => :el_capitan sha256 "7d32f5718f0302eb6b009b030dfb0279ebd471e808cafa3ca264a8fd4817b5ca" => :yosemite end depends_on "gnu-sed" => :build depends_on "libassuan" depends_on "libgcrypt" depends_on "libgpg-error" depends_on "openssl" resource "Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum" do url "" sha256 "c7ccafa9108524b9a6f63bf4ac3377f9d7e978fee7b83c430af7e74c5fcbdf17" end def install ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["gnu-sed"].libexec/"gnubin" ENV.prepend_create_path "PERL5LIB", libexec/"lib/perl5" resource("Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum").stage do system "perl", "Makefile.PL", "INSTALL_BASE=#{libexec}" system "make", "install" end ENV["PREFIX"] = prefix ENV["ETCPREFIX"] = prefix system "make", "install" # This software expects to be installed in a very specific, unusual way. # Consequently, this is a bit of a naughty hack but the least worst option. inreplace pkgshare/"keytrans", "#!/usr/bin/perl -T", "#!/usr/bin/perl -T -I#{libexec}/lib/perl5" end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/monkeysphere v") # This just checks it finds the vendored Perl resource. assert_match "We need at least", pipe_output("#{bin}/openpgp2pem --help 2>&1") end end