class Mvtools < Formula desc "Filters for motion estimation and compensation" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e417764cddcc2b24ee5a91c1136e95237ce1424f5d7f49ceb62ff092db18d907" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "1edd2c510374f7f7100b702e81ef68ea1b7461b2f4d93fac013052bbb8c2f4f5" => :el_capitan sha256 "a9fe49ecb6275bd8f183caf6ad7ea662abb7ba8417757186681b5b517eeedb2f" => :yosemite sha256 "cbb7dd3106bf1407eeded6b894454c9c7dbec765e00c9a6909301db2d2c83cd1" => :mavericks end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "yasm" => :build depends_on "vapoursynth" depends_on "fftw" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build def install system "./" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end def caveats <<-EOS.undent MVTools will not be autoloaded in your VapourSynth scripts. To use it use the following code in your scripts: core.std.LoadPlugin(path="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/libmvtools.dylib") EOS end test do script = <<-PYTHON.undent.split("\n").join(";") import vapoursynth as vs core = vs.get_core() core.std.LoadPlugin(path="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/libmvtools.dylib") PYTHON system "python3", "-c", script end end