require 'formula' class Platypus < Formula url '' version '4.4' homepage '' md5 'e6fe23f7037a873394b70bcc62843940' def install # Fix paths inreplace ["CommonDefs.h", "CommandLineTool/platypus.1"] do |s| s.gsub! "/usr/local", prefix end # Build main command-line binary, we don't care about the App system "xcodebuild", "-target", "platypus", "-configuration", "Deployment", "ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES", "SYMROOT=build", "SDKROOT=", "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=" # Build application sub-binary needed by command-line utility system "xcodebuild", "-target", "ScriptExec", "-configuration", "Deployment", "ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES", "SYMROOT=build", "SDKROOT=", "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=" # Install binary and man page bin.install "build/Deployment/platypus" Dir.chdir('CommandLineTool') do man1.install "platypus.1" end # Install sub-binary parts to share Dir.chdir('build/Deployment/') do (share + 'platypus').install "MacOS/ScriptExec" (share + 'platypus/MainMenu.nib').install "Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/keyedobjects.nib" end # Install icons to share (share + 'platypus').install 'Icons/PlatypusDefault.icns' # Write version info to share (share + 'platypus/Version').write version end end