require 'formula' class Phyml < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'd95c73c5c03d082db21564a54978f281' def install # separate steps required system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-phytime" system "make" bin.install %w(src/phyml src/phytime) doc.install Dir['doc/phyml-manual.pdf'] rm_rf Dir['examples/.svn'] chmod 0644, Dir['examples/*'] share.install Dir['examples/*'] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Examples have been installed here: #{share} See options for phyml by running: phmyl --help PhyML must be run with the "-i" option to specify an input or it will segfault. Example: phyml -i #{share}/nucleic EOS end end