class Chakra < Formula desc "The core part of the JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge" homepage "" url "" sha256 "19c56dd55271919a66afcd56de94da3ed0e4b35ab9cd992ca57f4229148b0b88" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "e91827363894161af817c6c5c8b9b0d9ae6893e73663551e4422513a2e973bc3" => :mojave sha256 "b3bb191c53b88fc5b60f59a4f6707752e5547119040dfe0cf24b9f78d5fc88fb" => :high_sierra sha256 "cc90599c589f9336be7de3650cc5b08f66a2df8572eac48e30141ba15c2f0e59" => :sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "icu4c" def install args = [ "--lto-thin", "--icu=#{Formula["icu4c"].opt_include}", "--extra-defines=U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE=1", # icu4c 61.1 compatability "-j=#{ENV.make_jobs}", "-y", ] # Build dynamically for the shared library system "./", *args # Then statically to get a usable binary system "./", "--static", *args bin.install "out/Release/ch" => "chakra" include.install Dir["out/Release/include/*"] lib.install "out/Release/libChakraCore.dylib" end test do (testpath/"test.js").write("print('Hello world!');\n") assert_equal "Hello world!", shell_output("#{bin}/chakra test.js").chomp end end