class Haxe < Formula desc "Multi-platform programming language" homepage "" stable do url "", :tag => "3.2.1", :revision => "deab4424399b520750671e51e5f5c2684e942c17" end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "131893375697db4a6f747ebec788f9d0d7304b742a3c007f27ea877f561e1e9f" => :el_capitan sha256 "104c2a1e9cc5c0d3ca3ee794a4872e8b25107139106f904c2471162ce278474e" => :yosemite sha256 "1e4c88518c6747bf86345ac67b2e3e2da5d9f3cea3c3917e8837ac4db2083412" => :mavericks end head do url "", :branch => "development" end depends_on "ocaml" => :build depends_on "camlp4" => :build depends_on "neko" def install # Build requires targets to be built in specific order ENV.deparallelize args = ["OCAMLOPT=ocamlopt.opt"] args << "ADD_REVISION=1" if build.head? system "make", *args bin.mkpath system "make", "install", "INSTALL_BIN_DIR=#{bin}", "INSTALL_LIB_DIR=#{lib}/haxe" # Replace the absolute symlink by a relative one, # such that binary package created by homebrew will work in non-/usr/local locations. rm bin/"haxe" bin.install_symlink lib/"haxe/haxe" end test do ENV["HAXE_STD_PATH"] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/haxe/std" system "#{bin}/haxe", "-v", "Std" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Add the following line to your .bashrc or equivalent: export HAXE_STD_PATH="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/haxe/std" EOS end end