class KyotoTycoon < Formula desc "Database server with interface to Kyoto Cabinet" homepage "" url "" sha256 "553e4ea83237d9153cc5e17881092cefe0b224687f7ebcc406b061b2f31c75c6" revision 2 bottle do sha256 "7be4c6e507a1d8a1d526c82c11dd41b150806211c48388ab9a0dd790875fff79" => :high_sierra sha256 "55a2e33c172afca9880553097beef413abce0c2f913c0ca1aa20ff5873732d14" => :sierra sha256 "33d857c99b29a62a42965ebd5639990cdbfeb3584adee249caff81ab0cdf4328" => :el_capitan end depends_on "lua" => :recommended depends_on "kyoto-cabinet" patch :DATA if MacOS.version >= :mavericks def install # Locate kyoto-cabinet for non-/usr/local builds cabinet = Formula["kyoto-cabinet"].opt_prefix args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-kc=#{cabinet}"] if build.with? "lua" lua = Formula["lua"].opt_prefix args << "--with-lua=#{lua}" else args << "--enable-lua" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end end __END__ --- a/ktdbext.h 2013-11-08 09:34:53.000000000 -0500 +++ b/ktdbext.h 2013-11-08 09:35:00.000000000 -0500 @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ if (!logf("prepare", "started to open temporary databases under %s", tmppath.c_str())) err = true; stime = kc::time(); - uint32_t pid = getpid() & kc::UINT16MAX; + uint32_t pid = kc::getpid() & kc::UINT16MAX; uint32_t tid = kc::Thread::hash() & kc::UINT16MAX; uint32_t ts = kc::time() * 1000; for (size_t i = 0; i < dbnum_; i++) {