class Go < Formula desc "Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software" homepage "" stable do url "" mirror "" sha256 "11ad2e2e31ff63fcf8a2bdffbe9bfa2e1845653358daed593c8c2d03453c9898" go_version = version.to_s.split(".")[0..1].join(".") resource "gotools" do url "", :branch => "release-branch.go#{go_version}" end end bottle do sha256 "902f3d14085c4d2db078437139e7e56250dfbe33f149002bd64f1f19a5c58995" => :mojave sha256 "24b548d84a9564caaa7261ec2d4baa608b58aada78cc7cd9245cafe28a00ec96" => :high_sierra sha256 "b318ca1dfde989d3209637a643b6ed5bb20dab1677846d337bed722ac936124a" => :sierra end head do url "" resource "gotools" do url "" end end depends_on :macos => :yosemite # Don't update this unless this version cannot bootstrap the new version. resource "gobootstrap" do url "" version "1.7" sha256 "51d905e0b43b3d0ed41aaf23e19001ab4bc3f96c3ca134b48f7892485fc52961" end def install (buildpath/"gobootstrap").install resource("gobootstrap") ENV["GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP"] = buildpath/"gobootstrap" cd "src" do ENV["GOROOT_FINAL"] = libexec ENV["GOOS"] = "darwin" system "./make.bash", "--no-clean" end (buildpath/"pkg/obj").rmtree rm_rf "gobootstrap" # Bootstrap not required beyond compile. libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink Dir[libexec/"bin/go*"] system bin/"go", "install", "-race", "std" # Build and install godoc ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin ENV["GO111MODULE"] = "on" ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath (buildpath/"src/").install resource("gotools") cd "src/" do system "go", "build" (libexec/"bin").install "godoc" end bin.install_symlink libexec/"bin/godoc" end test do (testpath/"hello.go").write <<~EOS package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } EOS # Run go fmt check for no errors then run the program. # This is a a bare minimum of go working as it uses fmt, build, and run. system bin/"go", "fmt", "hello.go" assert_equal "Hello World\n", shell_output("#{bin}/go run hello.go") # godoc was installed assert_predicate libexec/"bin/godoc", :exist? assert_predicate libexec/"bin/godoc", :executable? ENV["GOOS"] = "freebsd" system bin/"go", "build", "hello.go" end end