require "language/go" class Tile38 < Formula desc "In-memory geolocation data store, spatial index, and realtime geofence" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0bd7d33ced312a84ce7e2ce8309ea04187b95473f77d2645a3f86d60e4d46413" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "f00cfa2e71a0d50c6952e4d10e43739d7ce1bb7e36b25aed1661ea2757154386" => :el_capitan sha256 "046b5f1d19467da9c203b7c10707e998185379046136f7c766d06b6d18dfc890" => :yosemite sha256 "dc9c289062aae3475809346adf80dbf4840aea46e28634b049367fb9211b6d92" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "godep" => :build def datadir var/"tile38/data" end def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath system "make" bin.install "tile38-cli", "tile38-server" end def post_install # Make sure the data directory exists datadir.mkpath end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Data directory created at #{datadir}. To start the server: tile38-server -d #{datadir} To connect: tile38-cli EOS end test do system bin/"tile38-cli", "-h" end end