class Freeciv < Formula desc "Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game" homepage "" url "" sha256 "c8a14156562dce2f0a7b96390c2d5a35314f1124c448782a6a47b0c51cfcb302" bottle do sha256 "70e3d737fcccafb4a4d9edb4b9dd41b9be2301b586b0ef4df243e8dfbe84f228" => :high_sierra sha256 "809f17c1f0b81ec5e29d587e272b11ab45f96d3d6ab5f7a93879cc094194854e" => :sierra sha256 "2ec7479f71e89df80aa4edf89c17cdb72eba7cfbff15d1caa682bf08f08ad9a2" => :el_capitan end head do url "" depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "gettext" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end option "without-nls", "Disable NLS support" option "without-sdl", "Disable the SDL Freeciv client" depends_on "gettext" if build.with? "nls" depends_on "icu4c" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "readline" depends_on "sdl" => :recommended if build.with? "sdl" depends_on "freetype" depends_on "sdl_image" depends_on "sdl_gfx" depends_on "sdl_mixer" depends_on "sdl_ttf" end depends_on "gtk+" => :recommended depends_on "gtk+3" => :optional if build.with?("gtk+") || build.with?("gtk+3") depends_on "atk" depends_on "glib" depends_on "pango" end depends_on "gdk-pixbuf" if build.with? "gtk+3" def install args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-gtktest --prefix=#{prefix} --with-readline=#{Formula["readline"].opt_prefix} ] if build.without? "nls" args << "--disable-nls" else gettext = Formula["gettext"] args << "CFLAGS=-I#{gettext.include}" args << "LDFLAGS=-L#{gettext.lib}" end if build.head? inreplace "./", "libtoolize", "glibtoolize" system "./", *args else system "./configure", *args end system "make", "install" end test do system bin/"freeciv-manual" assert_predicate testpath/"manual6.html", :exist? server = fork do system bin/"freeciv-server", "-l", testpath/"test.log" end sleep 5 Process.kill("TERM", server) assert_predicate testpath/"test.log", :exist? end end