class Kallisto < Formula desc "Quantify abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data" homepage "" url "" sha256 "2c97280c69991f995f77e7c8ab56ae5060329c90f7f0d7e9ca2f01dd50ee378f" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "60b4b2ac31be396caaf7a07d403be9572451fe1583f638e1e3782c99cc66973b" => :mojave sha256 "265a37e38c894f343a1f245c7c0b1147788bdc294dae5c765e6e7c4edb86bccd" => :high_sierra sha256 "67d589175fc046e782a761597c3a5d11623770cc9937939eadeff3f535f04dd4" => :sierra end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "hdf5" def install # Upstream issue 15 Feb 2018 "cmake does not run autoreconf for htslib" # system "autoreconf", "-fiv", "ext/htslib" system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args # Upstream issue 15 Feb 2018 "parallelized build failure" # # Upstream issue 15 Feb 2018 "cannot use system htslib" # system "make", "htslib" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.fasta").write <<~EOS >seq0 FQTWEEFSRAAEKLYLADPMKVRVVLKYRHVDGNLCIKVTDDLVCLVYRTDQAQDVKKIEKF EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/kallisto index -i test.index test.fasta 2>&1") assert_match "has 1 contigs and contains 32 k-mers", output end end