class Isl < Formula desc "Integer Set Library for the polyhedral model" homepage "" # Note: Always use tarball instead of git tag for stable version. # # Currently isl detects its version using source code directory name # and update isl_version() function accordingly. All other names will # result in isl_version() function returning "UNKNOWN" and hence break # package detection. url "" mirror "" sha256 "8ceebbf4d9a81afa2b4449113cee4b7cb14a687d7a549a963deb5e2a41458b6b" bottle do cellar :any revision 3 sha256 "c74aad1f83bd7e5f431ef5f14e5168a3de361d5358634e572ab9f33c49bf1e02" => :el_capitan sha256 "8f2930559c015c477a094e67f2f70aff8ef0fb37296432e95921569fa9080db9" => :yosemite sha256 "835d04dc9d6be86f7480b31824522ece83895ec0ed78314caf900c4bfd5611fa" => :mavericks sha256 "19f797f8031bd373bb13a61ceefd9d74ee74cca0af1790617020f8a951ae8ce2" => :mountain_lion end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end depends_on "gmp" def install system "./" if build.head? system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-gmp=system", "--with-gmp-prefix=#{Formula["gmp"].opt_prefix}" system "make", "install" (share/"gdb/auto-load").install Dir["#{lib}/*"] end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<-EOS.undent #include int main() { isl_ctx* ctx = isl_ctx_alloc(); isl_ctx_free(ctx); return 0; } EOS system, "test.c", "-lisl", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end