class Samba < Formula desc "SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for UNIX" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8f2c8a7f2bd89b0dfd228ed917815852f7c625b2bc0936304ac3ed63aaf83751" bottle do sha1 "d573b77cb2f4187d366e6a5314982661089c91bf" => :yosemite sha1 "2b74fcea8edca1c15e597fd469d682ccee558a9c" => :mavericks sha1 "32546ed646eec7798f25d18c3bce9d5fef23da06" => :mountain_lion end conflicts_with "talloc", :because => "both install `include/talloc.h`" skip_clean "private" skip_clean "var/locks" # Fixes the Grouplimit of 16 users os OS X. # Bug has been raised upstream: # patch :DATA def install cd "source3" do # This stops samba dumping .msg and .dat files directly into lib # It can't be set with a configure switch - There isn't one that fine-grained. # inreplace "configure", "${MODULESDIR}", "#{share}/codepages" system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-configdir=#{prefix}/etc", "--without-ldap", "--without-krb5" # inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! /(lib\w+).dylib(.[\.\d]+)/, "\\1\\2.dylib" end system "make", "install" (prefix/"etc").mkpath touch prefix/"etc/smb.conf" (prefix/"private").mkpath (var/"locks").mkpath end end plist_options :manual => "smbd" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{sbin}/smbd -s #{etc}/smb.conf RunAtLoad EOS end test do system bin/"eventlogadm", "-h" end end __END__ --- a/source3/lib/system.c 2012-02-22 22:46:14.000000000 -0200 +++ b/source3/lib/system.c 2012-02-22 22:47:51.000000000 -0200 @@ -1161,7 +1161,14 @@ int groups_max(void) { -#if defined(SYSCONF_SC_NGROUPS_MAX) +#if defined(DARWINOS) + /* On OS X, sysconf(_SC_NGROUPS_MAX) returns 16 + * due to OS X's group nesting and getgrouplist + * will return a flat list; users can exceed the + * maximum of 16 groups. And easily will. + */ + return 32; // NGROUPS_MAX is defined, hence the define above is void. +#elif defined(SYSCONF_SC_NGROUPS_MAX) int ret = sysconf(_SC_NGROUPS_MAX); return (ret == -1) ? NGROUPS_MAX : ret; #else