class Sile < Formula desc "Modern typesetting system inspired by TeX" homepage "" # This should return to using a release tarball when >0.9.4 is released. url "", :revision => "befcd813e1dd46f7af6d11ffd0b0ee525e8db1fc" version "0.9.5-alpha" revision 5 head "" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "949bf321f680df35a69a49c4c129815cefa396cd58f4e4dd538b99ad25176ffc" => :high_sierra sha256 "243d2626d6d80f1083f049b7561818ace9330958358e617fcfb5ff3dde3fbbed" => :sierra sha256 "28ac8b22cdd7cfd21a48d5632b780bc6c613319190785549a17b99f8d9ed93da" => :el_capitan end # These three should return to being head-only when >0.9.4 is released. depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "luarocks" => :build depends_on "harfbuzz" depends_on "fontconfig" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "lua" depends_on "icu4c" resource "lpeg" do url "" sha256 "62d9f7a9ea3c1f215c77e0cadd8534c6ad9af0fb711c3f89188a8891c72f026b" end resource "lua-zlib" do url "" sha256 "26b813ad39c94fc930b168c3418e2e746af3b2e80b92f94f306f6f954cc31e7d" end resource "luaexpat" do url "" sha256 "d060397960d87b2c89cf490f330508b7def1a0677bdc120531c571609fc57dc3" end resource "luafilesystem" do url "" sha256 "23b4883aeb4fb90b2d0f338659f33a631f9df7a7e67c54115775a77d4ac3cc59" end def install luapath = libexec/"vendor" ENV["LUA_PATH"] = "#{luapath}/share/lua/5.3/?.lua;;#{luapath}/share/lua/5.3/lxp/?.lua" ENV["LUA_CPATH"] = "#{luapath}/lib/lua/5.3/?.so" resources.each do |r| r.stage do if == "lua-zlib" # mv "lua-zlib-1.1-0.rockspec", "lua-zlib-1.2-0.rockspec" system "luarocks", "make", "#{}-#{r.version}-0.rockspec", "--tree=#{luapath}" else system "luarocks", "build",, "--tree=#{luapath}" end end end system "./" # Should be head-only when >0.9.4 is released. system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--with-lua=#{prefix}", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "install" (libexec/"bin").install bin/"sile" (bin/"sile").write <<~EOS #!/bin/bash export LUA_PATH="#{ENV["LUA_PATH"]}" export LUA_CPATH="#{ENV["LUA_CPATH"]}" "#{libexec}/bin/sile" "$@" EOS end test do assert_match "SILE #{version.to_s.match(/\d\.\d\.\d/)}", shell_output("#{bin}/sile --version") end end