class Ripgrep < Formula desc "Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher." homepage "" url "" sha256 "08618425de89bdcd84f17a3bbf71a2d00a787de1f196e048059c01969065154e" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "c01b699c06411cfaf5abf506950b9307adc1479e7943980694b8ff02c5e67b63" => :sierra sha256 "1c8a0025a68e8879751fdaca2b2f70ce1e538b62c4ed2f5c0fb0edad295ee01f" => :el_capitan sha256 "70a123b6254a752f8ae87420bd07384a0cde8340d866a354e83af4c1b4dcd127" => :yosemite end depends_on "rust" => :build def install system "cargo", "build", "--release" bin.install "target/release/rg" man1.install "doc/rg.1" # Completion scripts are generated in the crate's build directory, which # includes a fingerprint hash. Try to locate it first out_dir = Dir["target/release/build/ripgrep-*/out"].first bash_completion.install "#{out_dir}/rg.bash-completion" fish_completion.install "#{out_dir}/" end test do (testpath/"Hello.txt").write("Hello World!") system "#{bin}/rg", "Hello World!", testpath end end