class Iamy < Formula desc "AWS IAM import and export tool" homepage "" url "" sha256 "abbc3f23afb8a57d02ec939a21ccac9fe0db18f96a742e03b16d32f3a8a12e1d" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "ec31036a74b3e7fa56dc920b4dcb4f55dd525588a60e7e0306bccadb1101e11b" => :mojave sha256 "89e0a7f9d27d589ad0639f01160036e891cbbe811b28d45a5904e0a22aa66990" => :high_sierra sha256 "044aabaea888d7d318c8dc5f0319a33b9bbec6478ff45782ff5e1edec4eeb9dc" => :sierra end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "awscli" def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["GO111MODULE"] = "on" src = buildpath/"src/" src.install buildpath.children do system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"iamy", "-ldflags", "-X main.Version=v#{version}" prefix.install_metafiles end end test do ENV.delete "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" ENV.delete "AWS_SECRET_KEY" output = shell_output("#{bin}/iamy pull 2>&1", 1) assert_match "Can't determine the AWS account", output end end