class Lizard < Formula desc "Efficient compressor with very fast decompression" homepage "" url "" sha256 "85456b7274c9f0e477ff8e3f06dbc2f8ee8619d737a73c730c8a1adacb45f6da" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "adce9d789c2391a96697128d39f103fa0a23b3e462b7e7a2d22346ceeab74925" => :mojave sha256 "c3266fb61fb88de0d7a9f3fb2ce53e3ca2708278c7c7064b2b61a4abf138708d" => :high_sierra sha256 "928e2fce0d64f3a5c960684ddca781073cdd285fd5f00f61c05675d5cb617366" => :sierra end def install system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install" cd "examples" do system "make" (pkgshare/"tests").install "ringBufferHC", "ringBuffer", "lineCompress", "doubleBuffer" end end test do (testpath/"tests/test.txt").write <<~EOS Homebrew is a free and open-source software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on Apple's macOS operating system and Linux. The name means building software on your Mac depending on taste. Originally written by Max Howell, the package manager has gained popularity in the Ruby on Rails community and earned praise for its extensibility. Homebrew has been recommended for its ease of use as well as its integration into the command line. Homebrew is a non-profit project member of the Software Freedom Conservancy, and is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. EOS cp_r pkgshare/"tests", testpath cd "tests" do system "./ringBufferHC", "./test.txt" system "./ringBuffer", "./test.txt" system "./lineCompress", "./test.txt" system "./doubleBuffer", "./test.txt" end end end