class Sourcery < Formula desc "Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code." homepage "" url "" sha256 "00efd7cc7822a77dd7d103ff15d0b9d976b75dce0b41fa2ece813dd9ce6fa033" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "d0b225be784973f10f898acc4180ed880b78d3908d6b917d9a2c9c3fe2c198f4" => :sierra end depends_on :xcode => ["6.0", :run] depends_on :xcode => ["8.3", :build] def install ENV.delete("CC") ENV["SDKROOT"] = MacOS.sdk_path system "swift", "build", "-c", "release", "-Xswiftc", "-static-stdlib" bin.install ".build/release/sourcery" lib.install Dir[".build/release/*.dylib"] end test do # Tests are temporarily disabled because of sandbox issues, # as Sourcery tries to write to ~/Library/Caches/Sourcery # See # # Remove this test once the PR has been merged and been tagged with a release assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/sourcery --version").chomp # Re-enable these tests when the issue has been closed # # (testpath/"Test.swift").write <<-TEST_SWIFT # enum One { } # enum Two { } # TEST_SWIFT # # (testpath/"Test.stencil").write <<-TEST_STENCIL # // Found {{ types.all.count }} Types # // {% for type in types.all %}{{ }}, {% endfor %} # TEST_STENCIL # system "#{bin}/sourcery", testpath/"Test.swift", testpath/"Test.stencil", testpath/"Generated.swift" # expected = <<-GENERATED_SWIFT # // Generated using Sourcery 0.5.3 - # // DO NOT EDIT # # # // Found 2 Types # // One, Two, # GENERATED_SWIFT # assert_match expected, (testpath/"Generated.swift").read, "sourcery generation failed" end end