class MavenAT32 < Formula desc "Java-based project management" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "8c190264bdf591ff9f1268dc0ad940a2726f9e958e367716a09b8aaa7e74a755" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "1168aa8865a130bd89fa502a88397aee160cf864c526ab86d089e8676edc387a" => :high_sierra sha256 "a29e76e46f1ba51fca6a76e3895ac347824a0c37fca5854d9a1aa2831f0e0510" => :sierra sha256 "963e0b933d75dfb2fb4189da9ff20796bbab4dc8f1318ecc7964dc99fab9e9df" => :el_capitan sha256 "963e0b933d75dfb2fb4189da9ff20796bbab4dc8f1318ecc7964dc99fab9e9df" => :yosemite end depends_on :java def install # Remove windows files rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] # Fix the permissions on the global settings file. chmod 0644, "conf/settings.xml" prefix.install_metafiles libexec.install Dir["*"] # Leave conf file in libexec. The mvn symlink will be resolved and the conf # file will be found relative to it Pathname.glob("#{libexec}/bin/*") do |file| next if basename = file.basename next if basename.to_s == "m2.conf" (bin/basename).write_env_script file, Language::Java.overridable_java_home_env end end test do (testpath/"pom.xml").write <<~EOS 4.0.0 org.homebrew maven-test 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT 1.8 1.8 UTF-8 EOS (testpath/"src/main/java/org/homebrew/").write <<~EOS package org.homebrew; public class MavenTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Testing Maven with Homebrew!"); } } EOS system "#{bin}/mvn", "compile", "-Duser.home=#{testpath}" end end