require 'formula' class Arangodb < Formula homepage '' url "" sha1 'a3b49fe19bc15e52b5d2a47ee083cc76cb80bbd8' head "" depends_on 'libev' depends_on 'v8' def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-relative", "--disable-all-in-one", "--enable-mruby", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--datadir=#{share}", "--localstatedir=#{var}" system "make install" (var+'arango').mkpath end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Please note that this is a very early version if ArangoDB. There will be bugs and the ArangoDB team would really appreciate it if you report them: To start the ArangoDB server, run: /usr/local/sbin/arangod To start the ArangoDB shell, run: arangosh EOS end end