require 'formula' class Nspr < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "507ea57c525c0c524dae4857a642b4ef5c9d795518754c7f83422d22fe544a15" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "9860a936f88a0f57f05240e94daf678ddb8e014c0240e269da78f9207ef41b24" => :yosemite sha256 "e8ad4221a5a0a1769547f2c8bc6b45f57ae2591896ffde08e6d6ec2a6018fcf7" => :mavericks sha256 "ad1fb6a460c2f053cd9f6dce964a94354133b546caf7d9def37512c10f833a33" => :mountain_lion end keg_only <<-EOS.undent Having this library symlinked makes Firefox pick it up instead of built-in, so it then randomly crashes without meaningful explanation. Please see for details. EOS def install ENV.deparallelize cd "nspr" do # Fixes a bug with linking against CoreFoundation, needed to work with SpiderMonkey # See: target_frameworks = (Hardware.is_32_bit? or MacOS.version <= :leopard) ? "-framework Carbon" : "" inreplace "pr/src/", "-framework CoreServices -framework CoreFoundation", target_frameworks args = %W[ --disable-debug --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-strip --enable-pthreads --enable-ipv6 --enable-macos-target=#{MacOS.version} ] args << "--enable-64bit" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "./configure", *args # Remove the broken (for anyone but Firefox) install_name inreplace "config/", "-install_name @executable_path/$@ ", "-install_name #{lib}/$@ " system "make" system "make install" (bin/"").unlink (bin/"").unlink end end end