class Govendor < Formula desc "Go vendor tool that works with the standard vendor file." homepage "" url "" sha256 "ac08ce539e0159efa37d98e9317c88fa90d9da5054a7ae6a16edde3f8c570742" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "386a211790e025dea16d45d0731098bed13cc75a77aa0671515896acd4bc4ca1" => :sierra sha256 "9ebc07d73bb652cd3f317590f6fd80390c9ebaa7782feeb91b2db862f4690cd0" => :el_capitan sha256 "071d01a95afb054d27b457d905ceb653e66c2a4a843b57e238b35d94424d5ae0" => :yosemite sha256 "42836a9f50859d81cdec06d96ec63775936d6175c9f024f5d9d74d7bc92e1812" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["GOOS"] = "darwin" ENV["GOARCH"] = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "amd64" : "386" (buildpath/"src/").mkpath ln_sf buildpath, buildpath/"src/" system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"govendor" end test do # Default HOMEBREW_TEMP is /tmp, which is actually a symlink to /private/tmp. # `govendor` bails without `.realpath` as it expects $GOPATH to be "real" path. ENV["GOPATH"] = testpath.realpath commit = "89d9e62992539701a49a19c52ebb33e84cbbe80f" (testpath/"src/").mkpath cd "src/" do system bin/"govendor", "init" assert File.exist?("vendor"), "Failed to init!" system bin/"govendor", "fetch", "-tree", "{commit}" assert_match commit,"vendor/vendor.json") assert_match "", shell_output("#{bin}/govendor list") end end end