class Camlp5 < Formula desc "Preprocessor and pretty-printer for OCaml" homepage "" url "" version "7.10" sha256 "83dff83d33ee9b70cd1b9d8d365db63a118201e5feb6aab49d9d3b1d62621784" head "" bottle do sha256 "f20e753e899bf8d6fedf51284a5ffeabfffc3da01151d07ef6f040888ffd159a" => :mojave sha256 "c6d3725bb7e79d77c00b1f430abad3f8542563eab79429eaa7f0420138a38d94" => :high_sierra sha256 "6246f8aa046ae45095f20ad3c839b317d284c7c4a27b6d572b8bb3256d9a5c19" => :sierra end depends_on "ocaml" def install system "./configure", "--prefix", prefix, "--mandir", man system "make", "world.opt" system "make", "install" (lib/"ocaml/camlp5").install "etc/META" end test do ocaml = Formula["ocaml"] (testpath/"").write "print_endline \"Hi!\";;" assert_equal "let _ = print_endline \"Hi!\"", # The purpose of linking with the file "bigarray.cma" is to ensure that the # ocaml files are in sync with the camlp5 files. If camlp5 has been # compiled with an older version of the ocaml compiler, then an error # "interface mismatch" will occur. shell_output("#{bin}/camlp5 #{lib}/ocaml/camlp5/pa_o.cmo #{lib}/ocaml/camlp5/pr_o.cmo #{ocaml.opt_lib}/ocaml/bigarray.cma") end end