class Pspg < Formula desc "Unix pager optimized for psql" homepage "" url "" sha256 "6209732de97a843e9c0a1de99307927fa54203d19e0b9be4dbebc63449090ea9" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "3b81d00a608cbf4ff982a1d51f43d07c96bc0029e137a1156fcaeb9b2470d93b" => :catalina sha256 "688833633c283530500313a0359a934426c8af130be40e6d15f5a7c01216a54a" => :mojave sha256 "3fd5c0598c3ac0332388faef921c93caf8ad11968420b34a3f0f6dce4632f5d7" => :high_sierra end depends_on "ncurses" depends_on "readline" def install system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end def caveats; <<~EOS Add the following line to your psql profile (e.g. ~/.psqlrc) \\setenv PAGER pspg \\pset border 2 \\pset linestyle unicode EOS end test do assert_match "pspg-#{version.to_f}", shell_output("#{bin}/pspg --version") end end