require "language/go" class Cig < Formula desc "CLI app for checking the state of your git repositories" homepage "" url "" sha256 "015c8ec23a5751aa6ef1479bd3f276a45dcb345c5eb1affdf72e96e4978b1f2c" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "38986c3def39f3df4b4d7c210e6b5ef9716c9e390499e614058229a97a1ec994" => :yosemite sha256 "3d396bb911d6214d866706337e76546dbfe26eb1fc7bc88d19e0afef43b9880b" => :mavericks sha256 "f49f5732e6e6a69692a2dabfbe3e2e04914edb11a578dd95c5e8ee328a4b7ddb" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "go" => :build go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "58d90f262c13357d3203e67a33c6f7a9382f9223" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "2788f0dbd16903de03cb8186e5c7d97b69ad387b" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "473fd854f8276c0b22f17fb458aa8f1a0e2cf5f5" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "c287a1597be58617d4ef173d3391b789df8b27d9" end def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath Language::Go.stage_deps resources, buildpath/"src" cd "src/" do system "go", "install" end system "./bin/godep", "go", "build", "-o", "cig", "." bin.install "cig" end test do repo_path = "#{testpath}/test" system "git", "init", "--bare", repo_path (testpath/".cig.yaml").write <<-EOS.undent test_project: #{repo_path} EOS system "#{bin}/cig", "--cp=#{testpath}" end end