require "formula" require "language/go" class Fzf < Formula desc "Fuzzy finder for your shell" homepage "" url "" sha256 "04615300679f4286cbd35e981e05635563f0782579873dcfbfb19fafa4b69948" head '' bottle do cellar :any sha256 "b5d8c8f7e6235518fa1a743765f6f7c14f65026541d6340dd3a310df6ad3fd05" => :yosemite sha256 "e827b47f71a08329a20bdb4e961aef21007dbef55e0a90fb1119217a1c049048" => :mavericks sha256 "985872b9569428b93973e463a3e583a30059b729eccb670947c12c7fd958e9b0" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "go" => :build go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "35d512af75e283aae4ca1fc3d44b159ed66189a4" end go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "63c378b851290989b19ca955468386485f118c65" end def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath mkdir_p buildpath/"src/" ln_s buildpath, buildpath/"src/" Language::Go.stage_deps resources, buildpath/"src" cd buildpath/"src/fzf" do system "go", "build" bin.install "fzf" end prefix.install %w[install uninstall LICENSE] (prefix/"shell").install %w[bash zsh fish].map { |s| "shell/key-bindings.#{s}" } (prefix/"shell").install %w[bash zsh].map { |s| "shell/completion.#{s}" } (prefix/"plugin").install "plugin/fzf.vim" man1.install "man/man1/fzf.1" bin.install "bin/fzf-tmux" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To install useful keybindings and fuzzy completion: #{prefix}/install To use fzf in Vim, add the following line to your .vimrc: set rtp+=#{prefix} EOS end test do (testpath/"list").write %w[hello world].join($/) assert_equal "world", shell_output("cat #{testpath}/list | #{bin}/fzf -f wld").chomp end end