class Libgraphqlparser < Formula desc "GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs" homepage "" url "" sha256 "63dae018f970dc2bdce431cbafbfa0bd3e6b10bba078bb997a3c1a40894aa35c" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "e4cea535715f0ed46ff1713df73dbc43d2845f4e0152f0137d4ad18def845050" => :catalina sha256 "f2d46a3bfb5fd3aef9f8b47a5d1c50d204f6dbd74d1a387ca664e36022b7ddc4" => :mojave sha256 "64779ec3108d9eef789d279abfafa90437c6a76b2ed3973d45979cd1051dc170" => :high_sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build def install system "cmake", ".", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=ON", *std_cmake_args system "make" system "make", "install" libexec.install "dump_json_ast" end test do sample_query = <<~EOS { user } EOS sample_ast = { "kind" => "Document", "loc" => { "start" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>1 }, "end" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>9 } }, "definitions" => [{ "kind" => "OperationDefinition", "loc" => { "start" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>1 }, "end" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>9 } }, "operation" => "query", "name" => nil, "variableDefinitions" => nil, "directives" => nil, "selectionSet" => { "kind" => "SelectionSet", "loc" => { "start" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>1 }, "end" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>9 } }, "selections" => [{ "kind" => "Field", "loc" => { "start" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>3 }, "end" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>7 } }, "alias" => nil, "name" => { "kind" => "Name", "loc" => { "start" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>3 }, "end" => { "line"=>1, "column"=>7 } }, "value" => "user" }, "arguments" => nil, "directives" => nil, "selectionSet" => nil }] } }] } test_ast = JSON.parse pipe_output("#{libexec}/dump_json_ast", sample_query) assert_equal sample_ast, test_ast end end