class Gnupg < Formula desc "GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "6b47a3100c857dcab3c60e6152e56a997f2c7862c1b8b2b25adf3884a1ae2276" bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 "969a47bf31fd6c3832bf42201165037a121570f60497c7ba40042080a994db9d" => :sierra sha256 "09ced5d5d38c4c517123e82f7c533ef55b1888498a0f355d70b24636dbe452e7" => :el_capitan sha256 "87b9e6e02558be92528772c762db0f7e2dc8b9d275dd23d7a498210535109bce" => :yosemite sha256 "f1521ac3df05904c32bdd52173f44d129e565edabdd935515519a087498575c4" => :mavericks end depends_on "curl" if MacOS.version <= :mavericks depends_on "libusb-compat" => :optional def install args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --prefix=#{prefix} --disable-asm --program-suffix=1 ] args << "--with-libusb=no" if build.without? "libusb-compat" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "check" # we need to create these directories because the install target has the # dependency order wrong [bin, libexec/"gnupg"].each(&:mkpath) system "make", "install" # inreplace bin/"gpg-zip1", "GPG=gpg", "GPG=gpg1" # Although gpg2 support should be pretty universal these days # keep vanilla `gpg` executables available, at least for now. %w[gpg-zip1 gpg1 gpgsplit1 gpgv1].each do |cmd| (libexec/"gpgbin").install_symlink bin/cmd => cmd.to_s.sub(/1/, "") end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This formula does not install either `gpg` or `gpgv` executables into the PATH. If you simply require `gpg` and `gpgv` executables without explicitly needing GnuPG 1.x we recommend: brew install gnupg2 If you really need to use these tools without the "1" suffix you can add a "gpgbin" directory to your PATH from your #{shell_profile} like: PATH="#{opt_libexec}/gpgbin:$PATH" Note that doing so may interfere with GPG-using formulae installed via Homebrew. EOS end test do (testpath/"batchgpg").write <<-EOS.undent Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 2048 Subkey-Type: RSA Subkey-Length: 2048 Name-Real: Testing Name-Email: Expire-Date: 1d %commit EOS system bin/"gpg1", "--batch", "--gen-key", "batchgpg" (testpath/"test.txt").write "Hello World!" system bin/"gpg1", "--armor", "--sign", "test.txt" system bin/"gpg1", "--verify", "test.txt.asc" end end