class StoneSoup < Formula desc "Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup: a roguelike game" homepage "" url "" # Note the mirror will return 404 until the version becomes outdated. mirror "" sha256 "3c34787cf752d48789102e170ff7360ddcdd79bd55a4e0feb9894e517b274069" bottle do sha256 "4f89fb7977808eae1f0d2e6e4314a732ad2087426ed9997a68959a3f15be2604" => :sierra sha256 "eed4194a19fbb4d3652ece83aac7c161ae8fa58c4db90fb886fce53a39bccafe" => :el_capitan sha256 "dd817ca11daadcef30e964a6d80dc8f150cfb32837cdba605def22fb38121265" => :yosemite end option "with-tiles", "Enable graphic tiles and sound" option "without-lua@5.1", "Disable Lua bindings for user scripts" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "lua@5.1" => :recommended depends_on "pcre" if build.with? "tiles" depends_on "sdl2" depends_on "sdl2_mixer" depends_on "sdl2_image" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "freetype" end needs :cxx11 def install ENV.cxx11 cd "source" do args = %W[ prefix=#{prefix} DATADIR=data NO_PKGCONFIG= BUILD_ZLIB= BUILD_SQLITE=yes BUILD_FREETYPE= BUILD_LIBPNG= BUILD_SDL2= BUILD_SDL2MIXER= BUILD_SDL2IMAGE= BUILD_PCRE= USE_PCRE=y ] if build.with? "tiles" inreplace "Makefile", "contrib/install/$(ARCH)/lib/libSDL2main.a", "" args << "TILES=y" args << "SOUND=y" end if build.with? "lua@5.1" args << "BUILD_LUA=y" else args << "NO_LUA_BINDINGS=y" end # FSF GCC doesn't support the -rdynamic flag args << "NO_RDYNAMIC=y" unless ENV.compiler == :clang # The makefile has trouble locating the developer tools for # CLT-only systems, so we set these manually. Reported upstream: # # # On 10.9, stone-soup will try to use xcrun and fail due to an empty # DEVELOPER_DIR devdir = MacOS::Xcode.prefix.to_s devdir += "/" if MacOS.version >= :mavericks && !MacOS::Xcode.installed? system "make", "install", "DEVELOPER_DIR=#{devdir}", "SDKROOT=#{MacOS.sdk_path}", # stone-soup tries to use `uname -m` to determine build -arch, # which is frequently wrong on OS X "SDK_VER=#{MacOS.version}", "MARCH=#{MacOS.preferred_arch}", *args end end test do assert shell_output("#{bin}/crawl --version").start_with? "Crawl version #{version}" end end