class Nauty < Formula desc "Automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs" homepage "" url "" version "26r12" sha256 "862ae0dc3656db34ede6fafdb0999f7b875b14c7ab4fedbb3da4f28291eb95dc" # doi "10.1016/j.jsc.2013.09.003" # tag "math" def install system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "all" system "make", "nauty.a" system "make", "checks" if build.with? "test" bin.install %w[ NRswitchg addedgeg amtog biplabg catg complg converseg copyg countg cubhamg deledgeg delptg directg dreadnaut dretodot dretog genbg genbgL geng genquarticg genrang genspecialg gentourng gentreeg hamheuristic labelg linegraphg listg multig newedgeg pickg planarg ranlabg shortg showg subdivideg twohamg vcolg watercluster2 ] include.install "nauty.h" lib.install "nauty.a" => "libnauty.a" doc.install "nug26.pdf" end def caveats; <<~EOS User guide was saved locally to: #{doc}/nug26.pdf EOS end test do # from ./runalltests out1 = shell_output("#{bin}/geng -ud1D7t 11 2>&1") out2 = shell_output("#{bin}/genrang -r3 114 100 | #{bin}/countg --nedDr -q") assert_match /92779 graphs generated/, out1 assert_match /100 graphs : n=114; e=171; mindeg=3; maxdeg=3; regular/, out2 # test that the library is installed and linkable-against (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #define MAXN 1000 #include int main() { int n = 12345; int m = SETWORDSNEEDED(n); nauty_check(WORDSIZE, m, n, NAUTYVERSIONID); return 0; } EOS system, "test.c", "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lnauty", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end