class GitCinnabar < Formula desc "Git remote helper to interact with mercurial repositories" homepage "" revision 1 head "" stable do url "", :tag => "0.4.0", :revision => "6d374888ff0287517084c0ec7573963961f6acec" # 5 Nov 2017 "Support the batch API change from mercurial 4.4" patch do url "" sha256 "e28fdf1b9afa94dbd17289e739cd68af34bf7ae708b827cfa9e23286dbbbb57c" end # 5 Nov 2017 "Adapt localpeer to sshpeer changes in mercurial 4.4" # Backport of patch do url "" sha256 "9af333567ff4aec002c947906d9e5a62ce7358c4ffa1edf7be0b5fe0a96b87ae" end end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "c1bc858159849754768cb460e3078c59832f1ace5c91e8491aeaf9338f759c79" => :mojave sha256 "30cc00b0406ccca2d8c5e29ca6217cf0ae8cb6925e7607b0fb67385aab973f63" => :high_sierra sha256 "fddd63b61e1e4b624bf7e9585f32467915437bbc093588e2e0c6c209b649b5bb" => :sierra sha256 "8549a043b40628b7141ed2d58cd8d473bb49345b52e4f6586554d5990770ddd3" => :el_capitan end devel do url "", :tag => "0.5.0b4", :revision => "125ae46f06383fd69c6b9febac9a33317d12b368" version "0.5.0b4" end depends_on "mercurial" conflicts_with "git-remote-hg", :because => "both install `git-remote-hg` binaries" def install system "make", "helper" prefix.install "cinnabar" bin.install "git-cinnabar", "git-cinnabar-helper", "git-remote-hg" bin.env_script_all_files(libexec, :PYTHONPATH => prefix) end test do system "git", "clone", "hg::" assert_predicate testpath/"hello/hello.c", :exist?, "hello.c not found in cloned repo" end end