class Cataclysm < Formula desc "Fork/variant of Cataclysm Roguelike" homepage "" url "" version "0.C" sha256 "69e947824626fffb505ca4ec44187ec94bba32c1e5957ba5c771b3445f958af6" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "1a821cdc40c5170e95c32877acdeb086fedecf366a505e27c559c557003b31de" => :sierra sha256 "939d8b6b945457b91f77860f31675d9facf57a842e1b033ea4ed889ee91ab165" => :el_capitan sha256 "e7ea748e9dd53bd0ace6c8456c4eb351616dc9c879621b6724ce742ae2b0d4f2" => :yosemite end option "with-tiles", "Enable tileset support" needs :cxx11 depends_on "gettext" # needs `set_escdelay`, which isn't present in system ncurses before 10.6 depends_on "ncurses" if MacOS.version < :snow_leopard if build.with? "tiles" depends_on "sdl2" depends_on "sdl2_image" depends_on "sdl2_ttf" end def install ENV.cxx11 # cataclysm tries to #import , but Homebrew ncurses installs no # top-level headers ENV.append_to_cflags "-I#{Formula["ncurses"].include}/ncursesw" if MacOS.version < :snow_leopard args = %W[ NATIVE=osx RELEASE=1 OSX_MIN=#{MacOS.version} ] args << "TILES=1" if build.with? "tiles" args << "CLANG=1" if ENV.compiler == :clang system "make", *args # no make install, so we have to do it ourselves if build.with? "tiles" libexec.install "cataclysm-tiles", "data", "gfx" else libexec.install "cataclysm", "data" end inreplace "cataclysm-launcher" do |s| s.change_make_var! "DIR", libexec end bin.install "cataclysm-launcher" => "cataclysm" end end