class Discodex < Formula desc "Distributed indices for disco" homepage "" url "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation revision 1 sha256 "db8480576b20c59fbc2d7ff4bd23cd3cad3ac70df746604992f28328ebb3eedf" => :yosemite sha256 "0baf75b7d7087763907bbbfc7f23e3985393a4e941b66f0d3595cd22b7fbbb29" => :mavericks end version "2012-01-10" # No tags in the project; using date of last commit as a proxy sha256 "552346943a7a0b561602f59736b678f4bd43ca505b0e3484699b3770d6aae485" depends_on "disco" def install # The make target only installs python libs; must manually install the rest system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" prefix.install(%w[bin doc]) end end