require 'formula' class Opam < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'b7923516a853afe86e8439afd23c0dae5fa8ad57' head '' bottle do cellar :any sha1 "ab7dbbdabc144c7e729760dc0455fceebfbb14ab" => :yosemite sha1 "6bd3df5754811e0cdd27123f4a801ae80799402b" => :mavericks sha1 "967cb558027afafed8f9bb828b638cde3345a810" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "objective-caml" depends_on "aspcud" => :recommended if build.with? "aspcud" needs :cxx11 end resource "cudf" do url "" sha1 "33d6942caf5f008d6696c1200a2589e28ff7e7fa" end resource "extlib" do url "" sha1 "6e395ae70e690d5ec6f166cce4761798ce494580" end resource "ocaml-re" do url "" sha1 "d54439efaaf888d619cbf1ccd92fbb077aed5d6a" end resource "ocamlgraph" do url "" sha1 "e53a92d50685ab38f2b856eb64d93aa36dc7bcdf" end resource "dose3" do url "" sha1 "9e679404f46dd0c9af4c6b77d6088b17986741b3" end resource "cmdliner" do url "" sha1 "afa604e527fc3e0753c643a96c354d4a6421321c" end resource "jsonm" do url "" sha1 "733fe089fb91ac79ac885e9c80d5554aca3e7805" end def install ENV.deparallelize # We put the compressed external libraries where the build # expects to find them, thus tricking it into believing that it # already downloaded the necessary files. resources.each do |r| r.verify_download_integrity(r.fetch) original_name = r.cached_download.basename.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(name)}--/, "") cp r.cached_download, buildpath/"src_ext/#{original_name}" end system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" system "make", "lib-ext" system "make" system "make", "man" system "make", "install" bash_completion.install "shell/" zsh_completion.install "shell/" => "_opam" end test do system "#{bin}/opam", "--help" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent OPAM uses ~/.opam by default for its package database, so you need to initialize it first by running (as a normal user): $ opam init Run the following to initialize your environment variables: $ eval `opam config env` To export the needed variables every time, add them to your dotfiles. * On Bash, add them to `~/.bash_profile`. * On Zsh, add them to `~/.zprofile` instead. Documentation and tutorials are available at, or via 'man opam' and 'opam --help'. EOS end end