require "language/node" class ContentfulCli < Formula desc "Contentful command-line tools" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fce1fcc727a83db85c6a0fe9cf50f940df4f31808aef3004badf348407d7b5bd" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "01a461a77ad24a839573ad581d55dc88cee4133fdd0bd804dc73500a5ea46b59" => :mojave sha256 "96a504b1d8bdfe78aed0a6ee995967226ee6b4663beb0c7521f8e8097c26e95b" => :high_sierra sha256 "18cbace5f4ea4e11b329e50b9e95c30051eecd22fa3f95cd3ee70084619e3e83" => :sierra end depends_on "node" def install system "npm", "install", *Language::Node.std_npm_install_args(libexec) bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] end test do output = shell_output("#{bin}/contentful space list 2>&1", 1) assert_match "🚨 Error: You have to be logged in to do this.", output assert_match "You can log in via contentful login", output assert_match "Or provide a managementToken via --management-Token argument", output end end