class ArxLibertatis < Formula desc "Cross-platform, open source port of Arx Fatalis" homepage "" revision 1 stable do url "" sha256 "82adb440a9c86673e74b84abd480cae968e1296d625b6d40c69ca35b35ed4e42" # Add a missing include to CMakeLists.txt patch do url "" sha256 "de361866cc51c14f317a67dcfd3b736160a577238f931c78a525ea2864b1add9" end end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "eaff0f12ab121a5964e7d0cd8c9272a39daba70a268d039728947c72885be8b2" => :high_sierra sha256 "9a7629e5033f4180f9e0a82bb018c2f00403c09aa473cfa0224301cc405fb6d3" => :sierra sha256 "8824a97e84542832da85eeb48b79a6b1de189ddf6ebe041fc7f1c9cb874fad21" => :el_capitan sha256 "1fc2d3c07f6f1a1cf1470138329290484145f7774b16fc5a8ca82d01ea194312" => :yosemite end head do url "" resource "arx-libertatis-data" do url "" end end option "without-innoextract", "Build without arx-install-data" depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "boost" => :build depends_on "glm" => :build depends_on "freetype" depends_on "glew" depends_on "sdl" depends_on "innoextract" => :recommended conflicts_with "rnv", :because => "both install `arx` binaries" def install args = std_cmake_args # The patches for these aren't straightforward to backport because of # other changes; these minimal inreplaces get it building. # HEAD is fine, and the next stable release will contain these changes. if build.stable? # inreplace "src/platform/Time.cpp", "clock_t ", "clockid_t " # Version parsing is broken in the current stable; fixed upstream. # This hardcodes the current version based on data from VERSION. inreplace "src/core/" do |s| s.gsub! "${VERSION_COUNT}", "5" s.gsub! "${VERSION_2}", "10" s.gsub! "${VERSION_0}", "1.1.2" s.gsub! "${GIT_SUFFIX_5}", "+Homebrew-1" s.gsub! "${VERSION_4}", "Rhaa Movis" end end # Install prebuilt icons to avoid inkscape and imagemagick deps if build.head? (buildpath/"arx-libertatis-data").install resource("arx-libertatis-data") args << "-DDATA_FILES=#{buildpath}/arx-libertatis-data" end mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "..", *args system "make", "install" end end def caveats if build.with? "innoextract"; then <<~EOS This package only contains the Arx Libertatis binary, not the game data. To play Arx Fatalis you will need to obtain the game from and install the game data with: arx-install-data /path/to/setup_arx_fatalis.exe EOS end end test do system "#{bin}/arx", "-h" end end