class SwiftProtobuf < Formula desc "Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4844fc1e1bc783bf831e19bc5723b9022e8df9992a15e3ecdb617736eba96cdf" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e104dd758571d8f70d4e28c5094b2ecf36c5e93557366c784b33131fa0d7960c" => :high_sierra sha256 "02cbd1c82a8528ec42ebe1dd24c6544a56ae7ae95946c54c0f024d92d7435cfb" => :sierra end depends_on :xcode => ["8.3", :build] depends_on "protobuf" conflicts_with "protobuf-swift", :because => "both install `protoc-gen-swift` binaries" def install system "swift", "build", "--disable-sandbox", "-c", "release", "-Xswiftc", "-static-stdlib" bin.install ".build/release/protoc-gen-swift" doc.install "Documentation/" end test do (testpath/"test.proto").write <<~EOS syntax = "proto3"; enum Flavor { CHOCOLATE = 0; VANILLA = 1; } message IceCreamCone { int32 scoops = 1; Flavor flavor = 2; } EOS system Formula["protobuf"].opt_bin/"protoc", "test.proto", "--swift_out=." assert_predicate testpath/"test.pb.swift", :exist? end end