require 'formula' class Slimerjs < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '89c7dc05b9df5f2aac0d423fb5a2118271ac9ad2' head '' def install if build.head? cd 'src/' system 'zip -r omni.ja chrome/ components/ modules/ defaults/ chrome.manifest -x@package_exclude.lst' end libexec.install '' if build.head? libexec.install %w[application.ini omni.ja slimerjs] bin.install_symlink libexec/'slimerjs' end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent You should set the environment variable SLIMERJSLAUNCHER to a installation of Mozilla Firefox (or XULRunner). For a standard Mozilla Firefox installation this would be: export SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=/Applications/ EOS end end