# No head build supported; if you need head builds of Mercurial, do so outside # of Homebrew. class Mercurial < Formula desc "Scalable distributed version control system" homepage "https://mercurial-scm.org/" url "https://mercurial-scm.org/release/mercurial-4.7.1.tar.gz" sha256 "8503383c1c31842576516b803d07564216470887ca6388719e4c4089663b410c" bottle do sha256 "63347ee99f1f71595adc7e7736bc45d75b07f0c97fc791ad4e5002f647214276" => :mojave sha256 "2fa3ea5ef0d9ba13ce5b195149f1f82a66e8146f05a469830a786942fc3f839c" => :high_sierra sha256 "670c91f394a646b77960809c8a1db3cb67336c599e2a418510709689214af791" => :sierra sha256 "1d37cef12a5496c82d1067542e7f2bdc07abe431d0edfbcd45f608b709ff8885" => :el_capitan end depends_on "python@2" def install ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["python@2"].opt_libexec/"bin" system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install-bin" # Install chg (see https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/CHg) cd "contrib/chg" do system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "HGPATH=#{bin}/hg", \ "HG=#{bin}/hg" bin.install "chg" end # Configure a nicer default pager (buildpath/"hgrc").write <<~EOS [pager] pager = less -FRX EOS (etc/"mercurial").install "hgrc" # Install man pages, which come pre-built in source releases man1.install "doc/hg.1" man5.install "doc/hgignore.5", "doc/hgrc.5" # install the completion scripts bash_completion.install "contrib/bash_completion" => "hg-completion.bash" zsh_completion.install "contrib/zsh_completion" => "_hg" end def caveats return unless (opt_bin/"hg").exist? cacerts_configured = `#{opt_bin}/hg config web.cacerts`.strip return if cacerts_configured.empty? <<~EOS Homebrew has detected that Mercurial is configured to use a certificate bundle file as its trust store for TLS connections instead of using the default OpenSSL store. If you have trouble connecting to remote repositories, consider unsetting the `web.cacerts` property. You can determine where the property is being set by running: hg config --debug web.cacerts EOS end test do system "#{bin}/hg", "init" end end