class Polarssl < Formula desc "SSL library" homepage "" # 1.4.0 will need dependents recompiled due to breaking binary compat. url "" sha256 "746fd88e0c6623691fc56c4eed52e40a57b2da0ac80f6dd8995094aa6adb407e" head "" bottle do cellar :any revision 1 sha1 "9f073fda6a57f9ce78768f9391c0c92850d187de" => :yosemite sha1 "722cb2387ea35a3c394cb6854068fc124badca09" => :mavericks sha1 "4a0effaa65d9fa92a0c6da1914de2dbdd318ecf4" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "cmake" => :build conflicts_with "md5sha1sum", :because => "both install conflicting binaries" def install # Kills SSL2 Handshake & SSLv3 using upstream's recommended method. # Upstream, can you make this less hacky please? inreplace "include/polarssl/config.h" do |s| s.gsub! "#define POLARSSL_SSL_SRV_SUPPORT_SSLV2_CLIENT_HELLO", "//#define POLARSSL_SSL_SRV_SUPPORT_SSLV2_CLIENT_HELLO" s.gsub! "#define POLARSSL_SSL_PROTO_SSL3", "//#define POLARSSL_SSL_PROTO_SSL3" end system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make" system "make", "install" # Why does PolarSSL ship with GNU's Hello included? Let's remove that. rm_f "#{bin}/hello" # Remove the pointless example application that hooks into system OpenSSL rm_f "#{bin}/o_p_test" end test do (testpath/"testfile.txt").write("This is a test file") # Don't remove the space between the checksum and filename. It will break. expected_checksum = "91b7b0b1e27bfbf7bc646946f35fa972c47c2d32 testfile.txt" assert_equal expected_checksum, shell_output("#{bin}/sha1sum testfile.txt").strip end end