class Multimarkdown < Formula desc "Turn marked-up plain text into well-formatted documents" homepage "" # Use git tag instead of the tarball to get submodules url "", :tag => "5.2.0", :revision => "101bbad1dc572c5d87788b2b17b6f9375f1d2bc8" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "a0ac27ece734aea62e7043fa1d5d5721371da181bcc9c7d3aefcaffdb6b79ae5" => :el_capitan sha256 "21ae8819f596925da49ee77152f9e8f1951b76372fc6231a1c61721ca782837b" => :yosemite sha256 "4b0cf6b5d9f25d4895316c59d25dd45f9d4b92ae7aafc7d38072e1c512639d86" => :mavericks end depends_on "cmake" => :build conflicts_with "mtools", :because => "both install `mmd` binaries" conflicts_with "markdown", :because => "both install `markdown` binaries" conflicts_with "discount", :because => "both install `markdown` binaries" def install system "sh", "link_git_modules" system "sh", "update_git_modules" system "make" cd "build" do system "make" bin.install "multimarkdown" end bin.install Dir["scripts/*"].reject { |f| f =~ /\.bat$/ } end test do assert_equal "

foo bar

\n", pipe_output(bin/"multimarkdown", "foo *bar*\n") assert_equal "

foo bar

\n", pipe_output(bin/"mmd", "foo *bar*\n") end end