class IcarusVerilog < Formula desc "Verilog simulation and synthesis tool" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "86bd45e7e12d1bc8772c3cdd394e68a9feccb2a6d14aaf7dae0773b7274368ef" bottle do sha256 "bf40a384b8432dfb72276e31e87d550b9b47515dc68bdfb25f0cde9becd4ac10" => :catalina sha256 "0237851e478bcb76567111f14c1e42fe79161a8cd28ca04127295fc40db14113" => :mojave sha256 "96a15af23212d29f9410e073418c9388447955245fa8c38cf3b27ccf8fabd178" => :high_sierra sha256 "ded40d14a1cd74f2b764d9cf667d48ee8b6c010e77d88ca47afc99188ace1255" => :sierra end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build end # parser is subtly broken when processed with an old version of bison depends_on "bison" => :build def install system "autoconf" if build.head? system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" # ENV.deparallelize system "make", "install", "BISON=#{Formula["bison"].opt_bin}/bison" end test do (testpath/"test.v").write <<~EOS module main; initial begin $display("Boop"); $finish; end endmodule EOS system bin/"iverilog", "-otest", "test.v" assert_equal "Boop", shell_output("./test").chomp # test syntax errors do not cause segfaults (testpath/"error.v").write "error;" assert_equal "-:1: error: variable declarations must be contained within a module.", shell_output("#{bin}/iverilog error.v 2>&1", 1).chomp end end