class BoostPythonAT159 < Formula desc "C++ library for C++/Python interoperability" homepage "" url "" sha256 "727a932322d94287b62abb1bd2d41723eec4356a7728909e38adb65ca25241ca" revision 1 bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 "41234d5b67b98b22b823c701b88874caaca57053e18f7069f3a40e308e882a2c" => :mojave sha256 "ab4e76cbdd45a69200580916a736c1aa9d0b76d25ecedd72f3e017804375d43b" => :high_sierra sha256 "50b61de8e17320c4bd1d095a165cbacb6505631b825133135e4517999079488e" => :sierra sha256 "79d9b0b2a2af2ddf37af79cc611d27733b3dbba6c5ca5bb86868a5521e9e37dd" => :el_capitan end keg_only :versioned_formula depends_on "boost@1.59" depends_on "python@2" def install # fix make_setter regression # inreplace "boost/python/data_members.hpp", "# if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__EDG_VERSION__, <= 238)", "# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__EDG_VERSION__, <= 238)" # "layout" should be synchronized with boost args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}", "-d2", "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}", "--layout=tagged", "--user-config=user-config.jam", "threading=multi,single", "link=shared,static"] # disable python detection in; it guesses the wrong include directory # for Python 3 headers, so we configure python manually in user-config.jam below. inreplace "", "using python", "#using python" Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, version| py_prefix = `#{python} -c "from __future__ import print_function; import sys; print(sys.prefix)"`.strip py_include = `#{python} -c "from __future__ import print_function; import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(True))"`.strip open("user-config.jam", "w") do |file| # Force boost to compile with the desired compiler file.write "using darwin : : #{ENV.cxx} ;\n" file.write <<~EOS using python : #{version} : #{python} : #{py_include} : #{py_prefix}/lib ; EOS end system "./", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}", "--with-libraries=python", "--with-python=#{python}", "--with-python-root=#{py_prefix}" system "./b2", "--build-dir=build-#{python}", "--stagedir=stage-#{python}", "python=#{version}", *args end lib.install Dir["stage-python2.7/lib/*py*"] doc.install Dir["libs/python/doc/*"] end test do (testpath/"hello.cpp").write <<~EOS #include char const* greet() { return "Hello, world!"; } BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(hello) { boost::python::def("greet", greet); } EOS Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, _| boost_python = (python == "python3") ? "boost_python3" : "boost_python" pyflags = `#{python}-config --includes`.strip.split(" ") + `#{python}-config --ldflags`.strip.split(" ") system ENV.cxx, "-shared", "hello.cpp", "-I#{Formula["boost159"].opt_include}", "-L#{lib}", "-l#{boost_python}", "-o", "", *pyflags output = `#{python} -c "from __future__ import print_function; import hello; print(hello.greet())"` assert_match "Hello, world!", output end end end