class Normalize < Formula desc "Adjust volume of audio files to a standard level" homepage "" url "" sha256 "6055a2abccc64296e1c38f9652f2056d3a3c096538e164b8b9526e10b486b3d8" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "1165de2721e8b4d7f373b9ad10f52c2cd49c44a24cd8fddab5ba51983164cefe" => :sierra sha256 "052ab2e8b1f6a2aa1e634a30749612d927b5cee5cc9302e057bd02c599a1c256" => :el_capitan sha256 "dcb42f107b9674e50d8994215f6d125e0fb9523b1d99b393fd00ee2b827be5e0" => :yosemite sha256 "9c12615d384a706feb8ddb693dadacfc5bfc48827e5722dd6476325bbe5e90b9" => :mavericks end option "without-mad", "Compile without MP3 support" depends_on "mad" => :recommended conflicts_with "num-utils", :because => "both install `normalize` binaries" def install args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --mandir=#{man} ] args << "--without-mad" if build.without? "mad" system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" end test do cp test_fixtures("test.mp3"), testpath system "#{bin}/normalize", "test.mp3" end end